Haruyuki Arita, a middle schooler who is bullied and overweight, finds refuge in playing online games. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers that the popular vice president of his school's student council, Kuroyukihime, has surpassed all his high scores. In an effort to learn more, he is invited to the student lounge where Kuroyukihime introduces him to Brain Burst, a program that allows users to enhance their brain waves to the point where time appears to come to a halt. The program transforms into an augmented reality fighting game, where players can win points to accelerate by defeating other players. Nonetheless, defeat results in permanent access revocation. Kuroyukihime enlists Haruyuki's aid in her quest to meet Brain Burst's creator and discover the program's purpose. To achieve this, they must conquer the Six Kings of Pure Color, the game's most prominent faction leaders, and reach level 10, the game's highest attainable level. After helping Haruyuki overcome his tormentors, Kuroyukihime earns his devotion to assist her in achieving her objective, beginning their journey to the top.
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