In 2014, the Sun Goddess of the Solari, Leona, descended to Earth, sparking the awakening of hidden God genetics such as the Power of the Galaxy and the God of War. However, Earth was soon threatened by an impending invasion from the alien Tao Tie, who aimed to entertain Death God Karthus.
To combat this threat, the Angels, Devils, and God Seminary groups, who had been monitoring the genetics of God on Earth, sprang into action, uniting scattered warriors under Leona's leadership to form the Black Troops. With her guidance, they were trained in combat techniques to withstand the invasion.
Morgana, the Fallen Angel, arrived with dark intentions to destroy Holy Kayle, while Angel Yan brought news of the Tao Tie invasion from the Styx galaxy. The resulting war turned Earth into a battlefield for civilizations in conflict, and the Black Troops soon realized they were facing a greater threat than they could have ever imagined.
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