The movie tells a humorous and exciting tale of espionage, with crude humor revolving around flatulence, alongside a coming-of-age tale of a rebellious young girl. Shinnosuke crosses paths with a mysterious spy agent named Lemon Sunomono, who poses as an ambassador for the legendary Action Kamen. After being extensively trained in espionage by her parents from the Sukashipestan Republic, Lemon now carries out missions for the Queens. She motivates Shinnosuke to join her in becoming a spy, which compels him to undergo rigorous training to fight against injustice. Guided by Action Kamen's directives, Lemon and Shinnosuke embark on a covert operation to retrieve a stolen capsule from a laboratory in the Hedelna Kingdom, which is held by a malicious professor. However, Lemon stumbles upon a dark secret about the Queens, prompting her and Shinnosuke to team up to foil their evil schemes.
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