The Scarlet Moon has controlled vampire society for centuries. Every year, the elite gather for "Visual Prison," a singing contest where the victor gains immense power from the Scarlet Moon. The event is primarily dominated by two factions: ECLIPSE aims to uphold tradition, whereas LOST EDEN believes in strength as the only ruler.
Ange Yuki, a self-doubting singer, relocates to Harajuku to search for his music idol. However, his plans shift abruptly when he gets embroiled in a dangerous skirmish between ECLIPSE and LOST EDEN. Despite being spellbound by their performances, Ange succumbs to bloodlust and gets knocked out. He eventually wakes up under the care of Guil Brion, his revered musician and finds out that he's a dhampir - a hybrid of human and vampire.
Although Ange is now eligible to participate in Visual Prison, Guil declines to join him. Nonetheless, Ange crosses paths with Robin Laffite, a foreigner enchanted by his melodious voice. With time running out and the competition looming, Ange must quickly assemble a skillful team to race against time.
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