The trio of Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi possess captivating charms, endearing personality traits, and formidable abilities as Espers. Kaoru has bold psychokinetic powers that allow her to manipulate objects with her mind, while Shiho's sardonic and brooding nature matches her psychometric power to uncover people's thoughts and the histories of inanimate objects. Aoi, on the other hand, is the calmest and most sensible of the three, possessing the incredible power to teleport herself and her comrades at will. However, the fate of these emerging psychic behemoths rests in the hands of B.A.B.E.L - The Base of Backing ESP Laboratory, whose mission is to engage "The Children" and other ESP-like individuals in combating the escalating psychic evolution. Although seemingly a win-win situation, Koichi Minamoto, the overburdened young man leading the team of three young girls, may have a challenging task ahead.
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