The central focus of Hakubo revolves around the daily routines of Sachi Koyama. She's a high school violin player with exceptional talent who enjoys her school life, keeps a close circle of friends within the music club, and relishes the scenery she observes while strolling alone towards her bus stop in Iwaki, Fukushima. One day, while enjoying her after-school walk, Sachi runs into Yuusuke Kijinami—a boy she has frequently spotted on her bus ride home. Without any hesitation, she offers to help Kijinami discover the perfect view of the evening landscape for his upcoming painting for the art club's exhibition. Their shared appreciation for the picturesque landscape that is gloriously illuminated by the sunset serves as an opportunity for these two characters to build a relationship. It is a chance encounter that joins two kindred spirits who both know how quickly the present can become a distant memory.
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