Alien invasions plagued Earth in 2059. Dr. Noguchi and his aides, Maki Agata and Takuto Kenishiro, sought to uncover the mystery of the extraterrestrial beings by resurrecting a tried-and-tested Bio-Mechanical alien named Frank. The experiment went awry, and the lab was obliterated by Frank's awakening, killing everyone but Takuto who escaped. Frank wandered off and stumbled upon Hattie, a traumatized young girl whose parents died in an earlier alien attack. Shockingly, she could telepathically communicate with Frank, and together they were captured by a covert entity called 'Funeral.' Takuto awoke in a hospital bed, his life shattered, and his face disfigured. Consumed by pain and the desire for payback, an enigmatic figure referred to as 'Mr. X' offered him a chance at a new life as Ryu Soma - a top-ranking Funeral officer.
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