The Kaleido Stage is a renowned spectacle, captivating viewers with acrobatics, imaginative routines, and stunning costumes and sets. For Sora Naegino, it embodies the ultimate achievement in fulfilling her lifelong dream of performing as an acrobat. After traveling from Japan to California for an audition, Sora learns that raw talent alone won't be sufficient. She must conquer the challenges of being a professional performer, where danger lingers around every corner, and just one mistake could result in disastrous consequences. The Kaleido Stage demands nothing less than absolute perfection from its performers. Sora must endure rigorous training, unforeseen obstacles, cut-throat competition, and the antics of a mischievous entity called Fool. Can Sora defeat her doubts and fears, form lasting relationships, and ultimately become a Kaleido Star? Only time will tell.
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