Aoi Mashiro is in dire need of funds for a train ticket home following a recent heartbreak. In a moment of desperation, she takes two hangings scrolls from her grandfather's attic to an antique shop in Kyoto's Teramachi Sanjou district to have them appraised. As fate would have it, this visit yields an unexpected encounter for Aoi. At the shop, Aoi meets Kiyotaka Yagashira, a graduate student at Kyoto University known as "Holmes" for his exceptional deductive skills - a reputation well-earned given his surname. Kiyotaka takes a look at the scrolls and quickly realizes that Aoi possesses an intuition akin to his own. Moved by her situation, Kiyotaka offers her a chance to work for him to earn funds. Aoi and Kiyotaka form a partnership, both in the shop and on the streets, solving various conundrums for the locals. No challenge is too difficult for this contemporary iteration of the Holmes and Watson duo, thanks to Kiyotaka's logical prowess and Aoi's intuitive abilities!
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