The narrative revamps Yoshiko Tsushima, the school's popular idol burdened with adolescent illusions of grandeur, into a mystical young lady. The tale plays out in Numazu, a charming waterfront town hemmed in by mountains and seawater. From an early age, Yohane-the misfit girl-has sensed a rift between herself and the residents of her hometown, yearning to find her real purpose in life. The storyline tracks her unpredictable journey through an enigmatic universe riddled with disobedience. Notably, the undertaking initially surfaced as an April Fool's Day prank in 2022, but its official launch transpired in June during Day 2 of the "Aqours 6th LoveLive! ~KU-RU-KU-RU Rock 'n' Roll TOUR~" concert at Tokyo dome.
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