Following the Great Tokyo War, Japan's political system has collapsed, and a dystopian society divided into ten nations is now under the control of gangs led by "Bests" - self-proclaimed prophets with destructive abilities. Nozomi Moritomo is one of the "Rests," an ordinary girl freshly trained and eager to support her childhood friend Masami Utoku - the Best - in the ongoing territorial conflict.
However, when Masami becomes severely injured and can no longer fight, Nozomi embarks on a mission to fulfill her requests that come from all corners of Japan. On her journey, she runs into three other girls: Yukina Kosaka, who has no sense of direction and is shy; Ai Hibiki, who loves to eat and is bubbly, and Chiaya Misono, who always covers her face with a gas mask and is a mysterious and reserved figure. The quartet travels across the country on motorcycles and faces territorial disputes, confrontations, and even dark conspiracies.
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