After switching to Ishinomori Middle School, Tetsuko - also known as "Alice" - caught wind of peculiar rumors circulating amongst her peers. It came to her attention that the preceding occupant of her seat, an average scholar dubbed "Judas," had gone absent without explanation; his four wives apparently suspected of fatally poisoning him. Amidst the bullying from classmates and unwarranted meddling from her mother, Alice found herself involuntarily tied to the mysterious disappearance of Judas.
As she pursued each lead, it ultimately brought her to her neighbor's doorstep. Though not without a bumpy start, Alice was able to recruit the help of Hana Arai - a peculiar and introverted individual. Together, the two began a quest to reveal the truth surrounding Judas' absence. Through their shared endeavors, they cultivated a budding friendship between them.
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