After four years since the release of Daisan Hikou Shoujotai, the once renowned Musashino Animation, also known as Musani, is struggling to maintain its footing. A failed attempt at an ambitious project has left the company in financial distress, leading to several staff departures. Despite multiple attempts, Musani has yet to create innovative works and has lost its former success. Determined to change the situation, producer Aoi Miyamori eagerly seizes the opportunity to work on SIVA, an original feature film scheduled for release in ten months. As Aoi works onto the future, her friends also face professional challenges. Animation supervisor Ema Yasuhara is overwhelmed with her tight schedule. Reporter and voice actress Shizuka Sakaki is disappointed with the lack of anime roles, while screenwriter Midori Imai struggles to find inspiration following her previous failure. Furthermore, 3D artist Misa Toudou fears that her overly enthusiastic passion for work may hinder her career progress. Though the anime industry is enigmatic and prone to obstacles, the five girls remain steadfast in their determination to overcome the tough path before them. For they all share a common dream, and the success of SIVA could bring them closer than ever before.
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