In the serene small town of Sotoba, where everyone is familiar with each other, life appears tranquil and humble. Tragically, Megumi Shimizu, a young girl with big dreams, succumbs to an unknown illness, instigating a sequence of unaccountable deaths in the village during the sweltering summer months. Gradually, Toshio Ozaki, the town's physician, starts to suspect that something more sinister than an ordinary ailment is at the root of the fatalities.
To uncover the perplexing truth behind the string of deaths, Toshio partners with detached and uninterested teen Natsuno Yuuki, along with Megumi's friends, Kaori and Akira Tanaka. Their quest leads them to a spine-chilling secret linked to the new occupants of the Kanemasa mansion. Through their consolidated efforts, they strive to unravel the dark enigma looming over Sotoba's residents.
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