Eiri Kurahashi, a Japanese student of art who is employed at an antique store, begins to display signs of forgetfulness and alterations in his personality that worry his friends. They speculate that his unusual conduct may have been instigated by a girl.
Their supposition turns out to be partly true when Eiri discovers a breathtaking girl imprisoned within a Venetian glass artifact. He becomes so infatuated with her that he even integrates her appearance into his artwork. With the assistance of an Italian painter named Marchello Orlando's painting, Eiri learns that her name is Cossette d'Auvergne and that her tragic demise was a consequence of her family's massacre.
On a night when Eiri is shutting the shop, he hears a voice imploring him not to depart. He ultimately connects with the object of his fixation and agrees to certain conditions without comprehending the repercussions completely.
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