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He Wei Dao x Re:ZERO

  • Alternative: He Wei Dao x Re:Cong Ling Kaishi de Yi Shijie Shenghuo; He Wei Dao x Re:ZERO
  • Type: Updating
  • Status:
  • Genres: Comedy
  • View: 21

Bilibili, a Chinese streaming platform, is offering exclusive content of Re:Zero featuring the two main characters sharing a bowl of ramen noodles. The video is in Japanese with Chinese subtitles and showcases Subaru and Emilia enjoying a popular Chinese Cup Noodles brand called Hé Wèi Dào, specifically the seafood flavor. The promotional video is part of the marketing campaign in China, where Re:Zero is known as Re:Cong Ling Kaishi De Yi Shijie Shenghuo.
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