Manabi Straight! is an anime that depicts the year 2035, showing a group of high school girls who attend the all-girl Seioh Private High School, where the school closures have become prevalent due to the plummeted birth rate. The environment has turned bleak, just like Seioh. The protagonist, Manami Amamiya, faces trouble at a swim meet and with a futuristic scooter when she transfers to Seioh. However, later she astounds everyone with her excellent school song performance, which leads to her being elected as the student council president. The story revolves around Manami's cooperative efforts with Mika Inamori, the only other council member, and classmates Mutsuki Uehara, Mei Etoh, and Momoha Odori, in council affairs. After their council room undergoes renovations, Manami and her friends focus on organizing the upcoming student festival with great enthusiasm.
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