The third chapter of Dog Days follows the reunion of Cinque Izumi, Nanami Takatsuki, and Rebecca Anderson as they participate in friendly war games on the continent of Flonyard between the Biscotti Republic, Galette, and Pastilage. Cinque, the hero of Biscotti and Nanami's cousin from Galette, is accompanied by his trusted companion, Rebecca, the hero of Pastillage.
The story commences in the human world as Rebecca prepares to leave Japan and head back to Pastilage. Meanwhile, Cinque and Nanami are traveling to their respective homelands of Biscotti and Galette from England when an unexpected lightning storm strands them in the Dragon Forest. Seeking refuge, they meet with the Dragon Priestess, Sharu, who reveals a troubling truth. Demons have surfaced, putting not only the forest but the entire continent of Flonyard in danger.
As a full-scale war looms, the question remains- can these three heroes band together and save Flonyard from the clutches of these vicious intruders?
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