Zuru, a young girl, braves a perilous expedition through a post-apocalyptic metropolis that's under machine control, in search of sustenance. However, their inadvertent activation of the city's AI defense mechanism, the Safeguard, proves to be a grave mistake, as the machines turn on them, threatening to annihilate the team. Just as all hope seems lost, Killy, a mysterious man, appears and expertly dispatches the hostile units, saving them.
Despite Killy's heroism, Zuru struggles to trust him and questions his motives. Nevertheless, Killy discloses his mission, to find humans who possess the Net Terminal Genes, which can help reclaim human civilization and shut down the Safeguard. Moved by his cause, Zuru and her comrades unite with Killy on a search for these genes, a quest that may be humanity's last hope for survival.
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