Ginga Hagane and his Blader crew, known as the "Blader crew," are back to confront new challenges, including the highly anticipated World Championship. Ginga has a brand new Beyblade, the Galaxy Pegasus W105R2F, and he's teamed up with American Blader Masamune Kadoya. However, Masamune has plans of his own to defeat Ginga and achieve his own goals for the championship.
But that's not all Ginga has to worry about. Kyoya, one of the world's top Bladers, was supposed to join forces with Ginga, Masamune, Tsubasa, and Yu to represent Japan. Instead, Kyoya and his teammate Benkei have defected to the African team and are determined to take down Ginga and his Japanese team.
The stage is set for an unprecedented clash in the Metal Fight Beyblade: Baku series.
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