Akari Mamiya, a freshman at Tokyo Butei High, looks up to the esteemed S-rank Butei, Aria Holmes Kanzaki, and aspires to follow in her footsteps. Despite being an inadequate E-rank Butei, Akari maintains a strong determination to improve. Upon the suggestion of an Amica contract, a senior-student mentorship program with Aria, Akari boldly submits a request form to establish the said contract. Although her classmates and friends doubt the possibility of Aria accepting Akari's request due to her selective process, Aria surprisingly offers Akari a test, which she miraculously passes! However, Aria will not officially designate Akari her Amica unless she meets her lofty standards. Nevertheless, training under Aria while maintaining her relationships with friends will be a strenuous feat. Will Akari possess the necessary qualities to mirror her idol's success?
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